In order to enable us to incrementally achieve our New Projects, in the care and welfare of the Disabled & Mentally retarded persons who, unlike other differently able persons are incapable of even begging for their daily activities, we shall be greatly honored if you could assist us to carry our projects (current and proposed) by a generous donation.

If you require more information about our organization and how you can support this worthy cause, please feel free to contact us.

We enjoy having visitors and welcome you most sincerely.

               “Kindly contact”:



                Telephone No:077-6169472


      The Manager.
Telephone No : +94 24 2051204, +94 77 734 3531,+94 77-4132349
E-mail      : orhanvavuniya@gmail.com



A donation.

Cash or Cheques, All cheques should be crossed and drawn in favor of “ORHAN” Organization for Rehabilitation of the Handicapped – Vavuniya District”

Our bank details.

Account Number  : 8610000844
Bank : Commercial Bank Ltd.
Type of account : Saving account.
Branch : Vavuniya