Our History

(Organization for Rehabilitation of Handicaped)
Vavuniya district.

Establishment of the organization.


· 1999- The former government agent of Vavuniya Mr. Kanesh addressed the necessity of an organization
for people with disability in vavuniya , at a meeting.
· 1999- The planning meeting was held by the former divisional secretary of Vavuniya Mrs.
· 1999-Formed a working committee.
· 1999-The first annual general meeting and selection of executive committee.
· 2006 board of trustee was formed

Development in legal registration

· 1999- Registration with Vavuniya divisional secretariat.
· 2002- Registration with Vavuniya district secretariat.
· 2008-registration with Tertiary & Vocational Education Commission
· 2012- Registration with the ministry of social services.
· 2012- Company registration.

Steps towards permanent office building

· 1999- Used the residence of the secretary of the organization as the office.
· 2000- Functioned at a place in SEED organization..
· 2001- Functioned at a rented room in no. First lane, goodshed road, Vavuniya.
· Functioned at a rented part of a house in no. 181 goodshed road, Vavuniya.
· Functioned at the whole house where the office was functioning in a part of the house.
· 2005- Shifted to a rented house in Mariyammankovil road, Pandaaarikulam, Vavuniya..
· 2006-Shifted to a rented house in no. 95/34F,1st Lane, Sooaiyappar road, Veppankulam, Vavuniya.
· 2007- Shifted to a rented house in no. 181 Navalar road, Padaarikulam, Vavuniya.
· 2008- Shifted to the permanent office building constructed at second lane, Balavinayar road,
Thavasikulam, Vavuniya

Land and buildings developments

· Received donation of 01 acres of land from Seva Lanka in 2006 .
· 2007- Constructed permanent well and water supply systems with support of ACTED
· 2007-Constructed permanent own building for the special school ‘PuthuvalvuPoonga’. with the
support of SOLIDAR
· 2008-Constructed permanent vocational training centre with the support of WUSC.
· A2009- Constructed own permanent office building from own fund with the support of A.J.W.S.
· 2012-Constructed permanent physiotherapy Centre with the support of A.J.W.S.
· 2011-Constructed vehicles parks from own fund.
· 2015- Two additional classrooms constructed for puthuvalvupoonga
· 2015 – Additional vocation training class room with canteen was constructed with the support of
· 2016 – Purchased 100 perch land for income generation activities and playground for puthuvalvuponga
from own fund and fund raising programme

Grow up in staff number

· 2000- Appointment of first admin. Officer in 2000.
· 2001- Appointment of first field officer and first office asst. in 2001.
· 2002- Appointment of first financial officer in 2002.
· 2002 – Appointment of first diver in 2002.
· Appointments of staff to the admin. Unit, finance unit programme unitand income unit as per
requirements from time to time.
· 2011-Regularized the appointments of 4 unit leaders of admin. Unit, finance unit, programme unit
and income unit after the establishment of income unit.
· 2016- Appointments of 4 divisional heads for 4 service sectors of visual disability sector, hearing and
speaking disability sector, mobility disability sector and intellectual disability sector.

Usage of vehicles

· 2001-Purchased foot bike for the field officer from own fund.
· 2002-Three wheeler donated by FORUT for the C.B.R programme in 2002.
· 2003- Motor bike donated by Sri Lanka Ramkrishna Mission for the field officer
· 2005- second three wheeler purchased for PuthuvalvuPoonga’
· 2007 – Van for the office use donated by the project of FLICT of GTZ and WUSC
· 2008-tractor and harvesting machine donated by WUSC.
· 2008-The first bus donated by Solitar for ‘PuthuvalvuPoonga’.
· 2012-The second bus for ‘PuthuvalvuPoonga’ donated by U.N.D.P.
· 2013-Purchased a bus for ‘PuthuvalvuPoonga’ to replace the first bus from own fund
· 2015-A bus purchased for income generation.
· Purchasing of motor bikes as per the needs of projects from time to time.

Increasing financial resources

* 1999- 2001- The members of executive committee collected fund through visiting house to house
and shop to shop.
* 2001 -Donors funds for projects.
* * 2011-in addition to project funds, the income unit was established for collecting non project funds.
* * 2016-The income unit started to involve in income generation activities in addition to fund raising

Increasing supports from donors

2001-CARE International the first donor for the first project (micro finance project)
2002-FORUT the first donor for major project (C.B.R. project).
Funding for various projects from time to time from UN agencies, INGOs, local NGOs, local and
foreign governmental organizations, Sri Lankan dias for a, individual overseas Sri Lankan and local

ORHAN history record – year based



· The former government agent of VavuniyaMr.Kanesh addressed the necessity of an organization for
people with disability in Vavuniya, at a meeting
· The planning meeting was held by the former divisional secretary of Vavuniya Mrs. EmeldaSugumar.
· Formed a working committee.
· The first annual general meeting and selection of executive committee.

ORHAN commenced its work in 1999 with limited resources.

· ORHAN received the following two legal registrations
· 1999- Registration with Vavuniya divisional secretariat.
· 2002- Registration with Vavuniya district secretariat.
· 1999- Used the residence of the secretary of the organization as the office.
· we focused on enrolling members to the organization and well-wishers for raising funds
· 1999- 2001- The members of executive committee collected fund through visiting house to house
and shop to shop.
· From 2001 onwards, ORHAN was able to attract donors.
· 2001-CARE International the first donor for the first project (micro finance project)
· 2002-FORUT the first donor for major project (C.B.R. project).
· 2000- Functioned at a place in SEED organization.
· 2001- Functioned at a rented room in no first lane, goodshed road, Vavuniya Functioned at a rented
part of a house in no.181 goods shed road, Vavuniya Functioned at the whole house where the
office was functioning in a part of the house.
· ORHAN appointed 05 staff in this period
· 2000- Appointment of first admin. Officer.
· 2001- Appointment of first field officer and first office asst.
· 2002-Appointment of first finance officer
· 2002Appointment of first diver
· The following vehicles were received
· 2001-Purchased foot bike for the field officer from own fund.
· 2002-Three wheeler donated by FORUT for the C.B.R programme in 2002.
· Motor bike donated by Sri Lanka Ramkrishna Mission for the field officer in 2003.
· We strategically recruited 38 volunteers to ease operation of CBR program , with the support of
· 2004-ORHAN commenced a training centre for 10 mentally challenged children on the name of
“PuthuvalvuPoonga’in a rented house and ORHAN Sri Lanka UK was created in London to ease
operation, the raised money from them used for running the training centre for mentally challenged

2005- 2008

· This period should be considered as ORHAN’S greatest period as it was able to serve its
constituency as best as ORHAN was blessed with flow of financial and technical support from
many of the development agencies. ORHAN had good flow of financial and technical guidance
from variety of donor’s agencies and NGOs; such as FORUT, AJWS, WUSC, GTZ, UNICEF.
· 2005-the first ORHAN’s sports meet- sports event for children with disability was conducted with
the support of FORUT , which later provided ORHAN huge image not only at provincial level but
also at island wide too
·m 2005- second three wheeler purchased for PuthuvalvuPoonga’
· 2006 board of trustee was formed
· 2005 office Shifted to a rented house in Mariyammankovil road, Pandaaarikulam, Vavuniya
· 2006- OFFICE Shifted to a rented house in no95/34F 1st Lane , Soosaiyappar , Veppankulam,
· 2007- OFFICE Shifted to a rented house in no. 181 Navalar road, Padaarikulam, Vavuniya.
· Received donation of 01 acres of land from Seva Lanka in 2006
· 2007- Construction permanent well and water supply systems with the support of ANGOTO.
· 2007- Construction permanent own building for the special school ‘PuthuvalvuPoonga’. with the
support of SOLIDAR
· Van for the office use donated by the project of FLICT of GTZ and WUSC in 2007
· 2008- Construction permanent vocational training centre with the support of WUSC.
· 2008- ORHAN VT Centre and VT courses were registered with Treasury and Vocational Education
Commission (TEVC),with the support of WUSC
· 2008- Office Shifted to the permanent office building constructed at second lane, Balavinayar road,
Thavasikulam, Vavuniya.
· 2008-tractor and harvesting machine donated by WUSC.
· 2008-The first bus donated by Solidar for ‘PuthuvalvuPoonga’.
· 2006 board of trustee was formed

2009- 2012

· This period like the previous period, was a peak period for ORHAN in terms of building the
organization and development of programs. In terms of programmatic approach, ORHAN could
continue with vocational training, CBR, livelihood support, sports meet, provide assistive devices
and school for mentally challenged children, and ORHAN was able to initiate psychosocial support,
and support IDP camps in Vavuniya.
· 2009- Constructed own permanent office building from own fund with the support of A.J.W.S.
· 2011-Constructed vehicles parks from own fund.
· 2012 – The second bus for ‘PuthuvalvuPoonga’ was donated by U.N.D.P.
· 2011 – the first ICT course for visually handicapped was started with the support of ILO
· Release of 2 video clips on accessibility for all- advocacy film and second one was related to
difficulties facing by PWDs’ hearing issues,
· 2011- The income unit – a separate unit for fundraising and income generation was established.
· in addition to project funds, the income unit was established for collecting non project funds
· 2011-Regularized the appointments of 4 unit leaders of admin. Unit, finance unit, programme unit
and income unit after the establishment of income unit..
· 2009- ORHAN Human resource policy was developed and in 2012 revised
· 2009- the first three years strategic plan (2009-2011) developed with the support of WUSC , was
initiated to be implemented
· 2011- inventories of the organization were totally revised into a comprehensive book let format
· in addition to already obtain legal registration ORHAN obtain the following o2 registrations in 2012
· 2012- Registration with the ministry of social services.
· 2012- Company registration.
· ORHAN started to implement the second strategic plan developed with the support of AJWS for
5 years from 2012-2016,


· ORHAN implemented very special projects such as , established a provincial disabled women
network including 05 district disabled women network. :
· Provided medical certificates to PWDs.
· Appointed 05 district sign language interpreter .
· supported to special and inclusive educations
· built toilet with access facility for PWDs
· In addition to continues focused on vocational training, livelihood assistance , during this period
· ORHAN VT centre was upgraded from C grade to B grade ,
· 2013-Purchased a bus for ‘PuthuvalvuPoonga’ to replace the first bus.
· 2013- ORHAN conducted a district level census of PWDS with the support of ZOA
· 2012-2016 – ORHAN facilitated to establish braille and talking book units for visually handicapped
in Vavuniya, Jaffna , Kilinochchi And Mullaitivu Districts ,
· 2015 – additional vocation training class room with canteen was constructed with the support of
· 2015- low vision unit was established with the support of vision 2020 project
· 2015-A bus purchased for income generation.
· Purchased 10 purchase land for income generation activities and for play gourd for PuthuValvu
Poonga from own fund and fund raising programme in 2016.
· 2016- all services were sector vise divided into 4 divisions of visually disability division , hearing and
speaking disability division , mobility disability division and intellectual disability
· 2016- Appointments of 4 divisional heads for 4 service sectors of visual disability sector, hearing
and speaking disability sector, mobility disability sector and intellectual disability sector.
· 2016-The income unit started to involve in income generation activities in addition to fund raising

2018: Appointed a Manager

2019: Stentrehth the General body 365 people with Disabled registered as a member.

2020: Dry food Distribution and Personal protective items were distributed to the person with Disabled.

2021: Dry food Distribution and Personal protective items were distributed to the person with Disabled and supported to COVID Prevention Centers in Mullaitivu.

2022: Constructed an accessibility house for “Phuthuvazhvu Poonga” Student Master.T.Thanusan.